A new survey has shown 90 per cent of Australians are likely or very likely to research a purchase online before proceeding to buy the item offline within the next four weeks.
When it comes to online purchasing, mobility now appears to be key with just over half of all respondents (51 per cent) stating that they are likely or extremely likely to make a purchase from a mobile device such as an Apple iPad or mobile phone during the next three months.
The survey, conducted by Lasoo.com.au, also found that media consumption is evolving and few consumers simply watch television any more. The majority of respondents (37 per cent) divide their attention across the television and a smart phone or mobile device. A further 32 per cent watch television while also working with a laptop or ultra portable computer device.
Unsurprisingly given the May launch, consumer interest in the Apple iPad is particularly high with 43 per cent of respondents planning to purchase such a device. However, retailers should note that although 13 per cent plan to buy within the first month, the majority of respondents (28 per cent) have adopted a more cautious tone and intend to wait until the second generation iPad is released.
“Shoppers have embraced the flexibility that the new generation of mobile devices has given them,” says Lasoo.com.au CEO, Paul Marshall.
“While some buying decisions may still entail a visit to a store or browsing through a catalogue, many buyers are now conducting their research online through multiple devices. This may be during the evening while cooking dinner or watching TV, or while travelling to work on the bus in the morning. The smart retailers recognise this and are building multi-channel marketing programs to capture and motivate these mobile consumers.”