Beyond the debates about the impact of technology and globalisation, Australian retail faces a critical turning point: a need to bring back excitement and positive experiences.

“Like any industry, retail wants to attract the best and brightest – there is a crucial problem with talent management and the skills needed to create ongoing positive service experiences,” suggests Brett Whitford, UTS adjunct professor and executive director of the Customer Service Institute of Australia.

With such a backdrop, a panel of experts will explore the challenges facing Australian retailers at 6.00pm on Wednesday 15 August at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Moderated by Whitford, attendees will hear from fashion designer and retailer Carla Zampatti AC; Margy Osmond, Chief Executive of the Australian National Retailers Association; and Andy Hedges, Director of Shopping Centre Management, Westfield.

“Modern retail has its roots in the industrial revolution, so how can we make this globalised sector more relevant to today’s high-tech society and more appealing to a new generation of talent?

“However, despite some gloom and doom, we do see great companies emerging through product and technology innovation, and by their ability to create compelling customer experiences,” said Whitford.

UTSpotlight – The Future of Retail
Where: UTS Aerial Function Centre, Level 7, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo
When: Wedensday 15 August – 6.00pm

For more information click here.