David Jones is Australia’s most trusted department store despite one respondent stating they “trusted DJ’s before the McInnes saga – but no longer”, a consumer poll by MSI Global Alliance revealed.

David Jones surpassed Myer by a small margin with 32 per cent of respondents stating that Myer was the most trusted department store brand while DJs came out on top with 36 per cent. In other results of the department store category, Target was trusted more than BIG W and Kmart taking 14 per cent.

The poll of more than 600 Australian and New Zealand consumers identified the most trusted grocery stores as the two obvious names in Australia, Woolworths and Coles – with 44 per cent and 25 per cent respectively. While in New Zealand, giant supermarket chain New World was the winner claiming 39 per cent of the trust.

Out of the four main telecommunication companies – Telstra, Optus, Three and Vodafone – Telstra stole the show with 52 per cent of the vote in Australia.

Some category brands included in the poll attracted little trust, none more so than the fast food category with 37 per cent of participants nominating ‘none of the above’ when asked to identify which of the brands they instinctively trust the most. However, in Australia, the clear market leader McDonald’s received 35 per cent support over rivals Red Rooster (9%), KFC (9%) and Nandos (7%).