PepsiCo has named the 10 finalists selected for the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024. The program launched in January this year, with applications from startups across APAC. The finalists were selected by a committee of leaders within PepsiCo based on their ability to deliver innovative solutions in sustainable agriculture, circular economy, and climate action.

Three of the 2024 finalists are Australian, including ELIoT Energy, which is working to decarbonise the food and beverage sector by tackling Scope 3 emissions through energy-shifting devices that optimise green energy usage.

Wildfire Energy is an innovative Australian company developing a revolutionary gasification technology for biomass and waste to energy applications and X-Centric is developing high performance soil testing instruments for accurate, precise and low-cost soil characterisation to assess its health.

Each finalist was chosen for their unique approach to addressing environmental and sustainability challenges – key criteria aligning with PepsiCo’s transformative pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) initiative.

This year, PepsiCo expanded the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program to include a new focus area: sustainable agriculture. Recognising the role it plays in food systems, PepsiCo has identified two startups from this sector as finalists.

The APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program connects finalists with PepsiCo’s network of mentors, industry experts, and resources. This framework is designed to foster development, accelerate market readiness, and enhance the scalability of their solutions.

PepsiCo Australia and New Zealand national EHS and sustainability manager, Brent Gapes said, “We’re proud to be supporting start-ups that are playing an active role in driving innovation within the sustainability space and are thrilled to see finalists from both Australia and New Zealand in our Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024.

“The commitment of these brands, in driving impactful and sustainable solutions, aligns with our vision of driving a more resilient and environmentally conscious future for people and the planet. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with such innovators to create real change and tackle pivotal issues within the circular economy, sustainable agriculture, and climate change.”

The finalists selected for the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024 are:

  • ELIoT Energy, Australia
  • Wildfire Energy, Australia
  • X-Centric Australia
  • Captivate Technology, New Zealand
  • AIIEV, Thailand
  • CIRAC, Thailand
  • Alterno, Vietnam
  • Grac, Vietnam
  • Mi Terro, China
  • Takachar, the Philippines