Leading global ecommerce and marketplace accelerator, Pattern has unveiled new inventory and supply chain technology for unparalleled visibility and control of products across ecommerce and wholesale channels.

Incorporated within Pattern’s ecommerce acceleration technology suite, Shelf technology helps brands create supply chain efficiencies, while also improving inventory accuracy, real-time tracking and enhancing demand forecasting.

Shelf surpasses traditional inventory and warehouse management solutions through an integrated approach to inventory and marketplace management, along with connections with major platforms such as Shopify, Amazon, eBay and Catch.

Pattern Australia director, Sean Walsh said, “Brands are selling across more channels than ever before. In a complex sales ecosystem, it is critical that brands have accurate visibility of their stock to make informed business decisions and meet customer demand.

“In an environment where marketplaces like Amazon are attracting a growing share of sales, brands must have inventory and supply chain systems in place tailored to these emerging channels. Shelf incorporates uniquely pre-configured connectors that simplify marketplace selling and inventory management. This is a critical feature for brands looking to broaden their online footprint and access and service new customer bases via marketplaces.”

Shelf provides 100% visibility of each unit of inventory through the lifecycle, from order to receipt at the delivery address. Real-time inventory tracking allows brands to communicate accurate delivery updates across multiple sales channels.

Accurate inventory visibility ensures correct stock levels are maintained and overallocation or out-of-stock situations are avoided. Prior to the development of Shelf technology, this was a challenge at scale. Through optimising warehouse space and improving inventory turnover, Shelf can also assist with reducing storage costs. Shelf’s ability to efficiently plan picking and put-away routes within the warehouse minimises time and resources by 40%, helping brands save on operational costs.

“Shelf is more than just an inventory solution; it’s a growth enabler for brands. Pattern has observed the challenges brands face in managing inventory and warehouse operations when scaling their ecommerce presence across multiple channels, including marketplaces,” Walsh added.

“Shelf addresses these challenges head-on with powerful supply chain tools. These help brands meet customer demand and operate successfully, no matter what ecommerce sales channel they are doing business through.”