Signature Security Group has announced its relaunch in Australia under parent company, Intelligent Monitoring Group (IMG).

IMG acquired Adeva Security, effective 1 May 2024, and will integrate Adeva into IMG’s Mammoth Security subsidiary under the Signature Security Group brand. Adeva Security director, Evan Comb, has transitioned into the role of general manager at Signature Security Group.

This move will re-establish Signature Security as a well-known Australian brand and marks an important milestone in delivering business-focused security services.

The Signature Security brand will see Adeva Security’s national technician team leverage IMG’s monitoring technology to offer full-service business security solutions. The relaunched Signature Security brand will immediately become the largest bureau customer of IMG Connect, IMG’s advanced security monitoring platform. This platform operates with Patriot-based A1-graded security monitoring facilities.

IMG managing director, Dennison Hambling said, “Signature Security’s original vision was to introduce an unprecedented level of professionalism and customer service in the security industry. IMG is proud to bring this vision back to life in Australia, updated with the latest technological advancements and a strong focus on business security.

“The Signature Security brand has always been synonymous with quality and reliability and this move is not just about reviving a brand; it’s about setting a new benchmark for business security solutions. A burgeoning demand for advanced security solutions across Australia and worldwide means this acquisition and the revival of the Signature Security brand are timed perfectly to address local businesses’ evolving security requirements.”

Signature Security general manager, Evan Comb added, “Joining forces with IMG and being at the helm of the Signature Security re-launch is a tremendous opportunity to revitalise and grow the brand across Australia. The team is committed to provide exceptional quality business security services to the Australian market, focusing on innovative solutions and outstanding customer service. 

“The strategic acquisition and brand revitalisation are part of IMG’s broader growth strategy to lead the market through technological innovation and exceptional service. As Signature Security re-enters the Australian market, it brings with it a legacy of trust and excellence that is now enhanced by IMG’s innovative technology and strong operational foundation. This combination promises to deliver seamlessly integrated and effective customer-focused security solutions.”