Pine O Cleen is introducing The Cleen Up Program, in partnership with not-for-profit organisation, Australian Red Cross, as part of a three-year commitment.

‘The Cleen Up Program’ addresses the growing need for a sustained and long-term approach to ‘disaster recovery’, the process of improving individual and community resilience following a disaster, long after public interest has subsided. 

Integral to the program is The Cleen Up Recovery Report 2023, developed in partnership between Australian Red Cross and Pine O Cleen, which found that over the past 30 years, nine million Australians —approximately 35% of the population — have been directly impacted by an extreme weather event.

Disasters take a financial, economic, and psychological toll with one in five (21%) survivors from the 2009 Victorian bushfires still suffering from PTSD, depression, or stress, while the estimated economic burden of a bushfire event on the mental health of 150,000 people is $337 million.

In addition to outlining the severe impacts of disasters, the report acts as a strategic roadmap for future recovery efforts and highlights the importance of corporate partnerships to ensure long-term and sustained efforts for those on the road to recovery. 

Reckitt Hygiene marketing director for Australia and New Zealand, Florence Paoli said, “Pine O Cleen has been trusted by Australians for cleaning and hygiene routines around their homes for more than 70 years. This trust is the foundation of our brand values, and we are proud to announce this new partnership with Australian Red Cross as we know it will make a true difference.

“It has been brokered with a single-minded intention to extend our commitments to Australian communities and homes, beyond the everyday, to provide support when it is needed the most. We envisage impacts of the partnership being two-fold, through supply of cleaning and hygiene products to disaster-affected communities in the immediate weeks post crises, and through longer term support of community members and volunteers.”

Throughout November, for any Pine O Cleen product purchased at Coles in-store and online customers will contribute to a donation to Australian Red Cross Society, up to $100,000, to directly support communities impacted by disasters and other emergencies in Australia.

Beyond the financial commitment, Pine O Cleen is supplying essential hygiene and cleaning products to impacted-community members, emergency staff and volunteers.

Australian Red Cross emergency services recovery manager Erin Pelly said, “Our partnership with Pine O Cleen is another step towards disaster recovery in Australia. Public interest in major disasters and emergencies is often at the peak during the onset but we continue our work with individuals and communities who are impacted for months, years and as long as we’re needed thereafter. As disasters in Australia increase in frequency and severity, support from partners like Pine O Cleen is integral to supporting Australian Red Cross to ensure we stay connected to communities for ongoing recovery needs.”