Whitech Software Solutions’ Photo.Teller software has won the People’s Choice Award at the Digital Imaging Marketing Association (DIMA) Awards held recently at the Photo Marketing Association (PMA) 2008 exhibition.
The combination of both Photo.Teller Creative software as well as Whitech’s PT2600 (Swift) Digital Order Station was evaluated by a select group of consumers who stringently judged a variety of entries on each example’s userfriendliness, ergonomics, features, quality of print and overall experience into account.
“While Whitech has won a variety of different awards in the past at PMA, including the Expert’s Choice Award at DIMA 2006, winning the People’s Choice Award at DIMA 2008 confirms Whitech’s position as a preferred solution by end users for its user-friendliness and simplicity. This truly is an award that Whitech has hoped to receive and we are energised by the outcome,” said Steve Delnawaz, managing director of Whitech Software Solutions.
Whitech Software Solutions’ Photo.Teller software has a stronghold on the photo kiosk market, having been installed on Fujifilm, Kodak and Konica kiosks across Australia.
The software is a photo processing and gifting kiosk that provides a marketing solution for a retailer’s business. It has several tools available for retailers to automatically up-sell to customers, perform marketing campaigns and run customer loyalty programs.
Photo.Teller has been developed with the aim to generate higher profits for retailers through clever marketing strategies, selling high margin creative items as well as standard digital printing services.