By Aimee Chanthadavong

In an aim to help bricks and mortar retailers boost foot traffic in-store, Australian-based technology and advertising company Vouchr has introduced a mobile coupon marketing system.

The new Vouchr service enables retailers to use electronic vouchers to offer targeted discounts and specials to customers. Customers can be reached via print, online, television or radio with promotions relevant to them.

The system uses a downloadable smartphone app that customers use to scan Vouchr QR codes in print ads or input them from broadcast commercials. The app will then store the offers so customers can present them later when they are near the relevant retailer.

Vouchr chief executive officer, Chris Newell, told RetailBiz the rollout of Vouchr is based on the success and growth of mobile coupons in the United States with hopes similar results will be seen by Australian retailers. According to research conducted by eMarketer, 92.5 million US consumers redeemed a digital coupon in 2012, and this number is expected to increase significantly in 2013. 

“We had a look at the mobile coupon systems in the United States and the possible return on investment was amazing. Then we looked at the Australian market and saw a massive opportunity for that. Marketers have been talking about mobile marketing for a long time and they know they need to get into that space but they haven’t yet and that’s what we’re trying to do,” he said.

As well as increased sales from targeted offers, retailers also receive a database of customers who have indicated a desire to receive further information. Retailers also receive a comprehensive report card which details the number of times an offer has been saved by a customer, the number of impressions and the virility of the offer on social media networks.

Also unlike other electronic vouchers, such as Shop A Docket’s mobile coupons, the Vouchr deals are bespoke and offered nationwide. The company is already working with retailers including Domino’s Pizza, Oxford Shop, Moochi, Baskin Robbins, and is currently in talks with a “top end of town retailer."

“Occasionally you’ll come across really progressive retailers who want to stay ahead of the curve, such as frozen yoghurt retailer Moochi. They’re really pushing the boundaries of what most retailers are doing,” Newell explained.

“Then there are others who are more hesitant and want more track records before go about with mobile marketing, especially the larger organisations. It’s an education process and we believe this a way to take a different approach to mobile marketing.”

The Vouchr system is currently available to Apple iPhone users but according to Newell the company is working on an Android version.