A company specialising in background music for businesses is looking for the input of the restaurant and café industry of a new product, which has been developed in response to ongoing increases in public performance license fees being imposed on the industry.

Emstream has created the Gusto, a small digital music device that sits at the venue and delivers 30 per cent of the global music market at a lower fee.

According to the company, the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia, the record industry’s license collection body that regulates background music license tariffs paid by restaurants and cafes, is looking to increase the tariff on 1 July.

Mark Schroeder, Emstream’s CEO, said using the Gusto can cut annual license fees by up to thousands of dollars.

“For example a licensed 30 seat café or restaurant with an average main meal under $15 from this July will have to pay PPCA $1022 per annum, whereas through Emstream that license component would be $ 75 of up to 150 square metres. And the savings are even greater where the main meal price is higher.”

However, before introducing the service, Emstream is asking for input from the industry.

The company has launched an online survey and one lucky respondent will have a chance to win free music for a year.