By Aimee Chanthadavong

oOh is taking its digital offering to a more personal level with a temperature driven campaign.

The advertising company is rolling out a network of retail digital panels that will run based on the local temperature at each location.

The first advertiser to implement ‘temperature-parting’ is Unilever, which is promoting its Magnum and Lipton Iced Tea products to hot and thirsty people when the daily maximum forecast temperature exceeds the monthly maximum average in the local area.

“This is the first time in Australia we’ve run a national campaign that uses the temperature to control what content plays,” said oOh’s head of production John Purcell.

“The technology we have invested in allows us to easily tailor a client’s campaign to respond to external triggers such as the weather, sports scores or social media.

“The best part is that each location automatically reacts to local conditions providing advertisers with an easy way to ensure highly targeted and relevant campaigns.”

Unilever’s campaign will use four hundred of oOh!’s retail digital panels to display the Streets Ice-Cream creative encompassing multiple brands including Magnum as well as the Lipton Ice Tea creative.

Mindshare Strategist Catherine Rushton said the hyper relevance this technology provides, both in reaching people when they are hot and thirsty and close to point of purchase, improves the ability to influence the impulse behaviour that drives this category.

As part of the wider national campaign both creative will appear in cafes, universities and on big billboards until 23 March 2014.