Sage Business Solutions recently launched the latest version of its customer relationship management (CRM) solution, SalesLogix 7.2.

Sage SalesLogix 7.2 shows just how far modern CRM applications have come since their humble beginnings in the early ’90s. SalesLogix 7.2 provides the tools and resources needed by organisations utilising multiple platforms to effectively manage all aspects of the sales cycle, from initial contact through to sales closure and post sales support.

The architecture enables an organisation to connect its salespeople, head office staff, mobile sales and service teams, dealers, partners, and resellers to the customer information they need regardless of whether they access it through the internet, laptop, mobile phone, or Blackberry.
As a multi-client platform solution, v7.2 addresses the needs of an increasingly flexible work force by enabling office-based, remote, mobile, and wireless users to be more productive because they can access and synchronise customer information from any location and any device. This technical upgrade also features a codeless development environment that will be of tremendous benefit to customers and partners because they can more quickly and affordably implement solutions and customised functionality for new and upgrade deployments.
With its provision of a more flexible architecture in Sage SalesLogix v7.2, Sage Software is responding to the complex needs of mid-market companies that must operate in increasingly competitive markets, where each business must be unique and has unique needs for its CRM solutions.
“SalesLogix v7.2 is a major breakthrough for Australian organisations,” says Mike Lorge, managing director for Sage Business Solutions.

“Due to the large geographical area and dispersed locations for doing business within Australia, SalesLogix v7.2 is ideal for organisations with a highly flexible and mobile work force. Whether they are on the road, teleworking from home, or working in a call centre, management can rest easy – knowing their staff can access the information they need regardless of where they are or how they access it.”
The incorporation of web and mobile customisation into SalesLogix 7.2 will further assist businesses in providing valuable CRM tools to their expanding mobile work forces. The new developments facilitate rapid application deployment for one or many users. As a result, organisations can create CRM customisations for their specific business needs then roll them out across the web, mobiles or Windows without having to reformat them for each interface. 
“Just as the features and functionality of mobile devices are improving, so too are the business applications designed for them,” says Lorge.
“Making these applications customisable, simple and affordable to deploy across any mobile device is key to helping organisations realise the full benefits of a truly mobile work force. After-all, what good is a mobile work force if it is not armed with the most up-to-date customer information?”