In an aim to help businesses remain competitive, eBay will introduce a series of changes in September, including adjusting the fees on

The company has there has been an increase in consumers wanting to purchase items in the fixed price or Buy It Now format, rather than auctions. In fact, sales of fixed price products now account for the majority of sales on

In order to ensure consumers are able to purchase items in the format they prefer, eBay will increase the store fees for auctions to bring them in line with fixed price fees while large sellers with an anchored store will not pay any upfront insertion fees. 

“The fee changes are aimed at encouraging more professional and business sellers to list their stock in an eBay Store using the fixed price format,” the company said.

Other changes include allowing smaller consumer sellers to list up to 30 items a month with no insertion fees. This will encourage them to sell more to increase more sales for all sellers.

Also, eBay will introduce the Top Rated Seller program, which is already established on and Sellers who qualify as eBay Top Rated Sellers (eTRS) will gain greater visibility on the site with prominent badges to help consumers better recognise the most trusted and credible sellers.