There will be extended retail trading hours for the Christmas-New Year period in the Perth metropolitan area.

According to the Commerce Minister Simon O’Brien, the extra hours for general retail stores will not only provide greater choice for consumers but also provide retailers the opportunity to take advance of the Christmas trade.
“The two Sunday trading days before Christmas will be extended to cover the entire metropolitan area, rather than just the Special Trading Precincts, and shops will be able to open from 10am on those days,” he said.
“Shoppers can also enjoy the late night trading that the State Government introduced last year on weeknights, with shops being able to stay open until 9pm.
“The post-Christmas sales will be accommodated with trading allowed throughout the metropolitan area from 10am on Boxing Day and from 8am on the following day’s public holiday.”
Trading on two Sundays, December 4, 2011 and January 1, 2012 as well as the public holiday on Monday January 2, 2012 will be restricted to the Special Trading Precincts of Perth, Fremantle, Joondalup, Midland and Armadale.
The approved extensions will not apply in the City of Rockingham or in the localities of Two Rocks and Yanchep, where specific extended trading orders continue to be in effect.
Consistent with previous years, the Christmas trading package will be made available to non-metropolitan local government authorities, other than where a regional council applies to Consumer Protection for alternative trading arrangements.
Small retail shops and special retail shops are not affected by this decision and can continue to trade each day of the year if they choose to do so. The approved package will also not affect the trading hours of motor vehicle dealers.