Weight Watchers is turning to retail, with two new Weight Watchers concession stores to be introduced in Myer stores in Victoria and New South Wales.

The new stores, at Knox City and Roselands, are part of a pilot program and, if successful, the idea will be rolled out into other Myer stores across the country.

According to Myer national corporate affairs manager Mitch Catlin, it’s a world-first retail concept and a great opportunity for Myer to bring new customers to its stores.

“As well as being a business decision for Myer, we also believe health, wellbeing and lifestyle issues for our staff and customers are critically important. This is one way we can assist,” he said.

Obesity rates in Australia have more than doubled in the past 20 years, and the new service is designed to better assist people with their weight loss objectives, combining personalised one-on-one consultations with advice from industry experts.  

“Given that many people hold down full-time jobs or have family commitments, the advantages in having the option to access a lifestyle centre during Myer store hours, including late night trading and weekends, will ensure people maintain their regular consultations," said Catlin.

The life style centres basically provide another way to follow the weight-loss program, adds Weight Watchers managing director Joseph Saad, enabling the convenience of personal consultations while shopping.

“We know Australians are time poor and we are committed to making it as easy as possible for people to successfully lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, by fitting it into their routine,” said Saad.

Weight Watchers at Myer Roselands will open on 19 May, and Myer Knox City two days later on 21 May.