New Zealand snack bar company, Tasti has introduced the first apple-based snack bar with the release of the Tasti Fruit Bar.

The new snack bars are made with a soft apple base, making them a unique option. Tasti launched the first ever wholefood ball with an apple base, Fruit+Vege, into Australia in 2020 and is continuing the trend into new areas of wrapped snacks.

Tasti Fruit Bars have no added colours or preservatives and are nut-free, making them ideal for kid’s lunchboxes and adults on the go. Available in three flavours – strawberry, pineapple and banana, the bars incorporate real fruit pieces with a thin layer of chocolate.

Tasti managing director, Josette Princesaid, “We are thrilled to be at the forefront of snacking, launching a snack bar that is unlike anything Australian’s have seen and continuing to expand our presence in the market. We pride ourselves on innovation and the new Tasti Fruit Bar delivers a unique option the whole family can enjoy.”

Tasti senior brand manager, Lisa Parslowadded, “Our new Tasti Fruit Bar has no colouring or preservatives, making the choice simple for household shoppers. The snack bar is filled with fibre and made with real fruit making them a seriously fruit snacking option.”

Tasti Fruit Bars are now available in Woolworths supermarkets across Australia for RRP $5.50.