Small Business Commissioner NSW is launching a review of the Retail Leases Act 1994 in hope it will bring greater transparency to the landlord-tenant relationship.
In a e-newsletter to its subscribers, the Commissioner said the aim of the review is to support small business by encouraging the development of a level playing field in retail leasing; reducing the cost of doing business; and cutting red tape.
“Small retailers and landlords are major contributors to the communities and the economy of NSW,” the e-newsletter said.
“They help make our communities dynamic and vibrant places to live and through the employment they generate, they help to make them sustainable. It is with this in mind that the Office of the Small Business Commissioner is conducting a review of the Retail Leases Act 1994.”
The Minister of Small Business launched a discussion paper for review last month inviting stakeholders and the public to make comment and share their ideas.
A submission can be made in a number of different ways: an online survey, a written submission by email, or in writing to Retail Review, GPO Box 5477, Sydney NSW 2001.
The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 7 February 2014.