Australia’s peak newsagency body has welcomed an initiative by the NSW Business Chamber to have politicians work in small businesses to gain a better understanding of the challenges facing the sector.
More than 80 State and Federal Politicians will be ‘rostered on’ at small business throughout the state for the annual week long NSW Business Chamber ‘Pollies for Small Business’ program.
The Australian Newsagents Federation (ANF) believes the initiative is a positive one and wants the information gathered by the participating politicians to be properly documented at the end of the week.
ANF CEO Anthony Matis said with meaningful outcomes the initiative has the potential to be more than just an awareness campaign for small business.
"MPs will see first-hand how the laws and regulations they create impact on the state’s 500,000 small businesses,” he said.
"If 80 politicians are about to descend on a small businesses across the state to spend and hour or two helping out, I urge them to make the most of the experience and obtain a clear understanding of the challenges facing the owner of the business.
The past year has been tough for newsagents. Not only have they faced the credit issues brought on by the global financial crisis, and the proposed changes to awards as experienced by other small businesses, they have also had to deal with supplier and publisher issues unique to the newsagency channel.
There are nearly 5000 individually owned newsagencies in Australia turning over $6.5 billion a year and employing 20,000 people.