Jaycar Electronics has had to relocate two of its Queensland stores to larger sites because the demand for products has grown.

The Cairns and Townsville stores are up to three times the size of the originals.

Jaycar Electronics marketing manager Murray Roberts said the stores can carry a larger range of products.

“These Queensland stores started to burst at the seams with demand for our products,” he said.

“Now in more convenient locations and with more on-site parking, the new stores make it easier for our customers to do their shopping. The new open plan store sizes will not only account for a larger product range, but will give us more room for interactive displays so customers have easier access to view products.”

Business is booming for the Australian-owned company with seven new stores and relocations so far this year.

“These large new stores are helping us improve our offering by making it easier than ever for locals to get their hands on the newest Jaycar gadgets,” Roberts said.

The large product range is reflective in its in 506 page 2011 catalogue that features 6,950 products.