Leading growth platform, HubSpot has released a new integration with SMS technology provider, MessageMedia to help businesses send targeted messages and tailor promotions based on customer behaviour.

The integration brings SMS via MessageMedia into HubSpot’s CRM platform, delivering a single view of customers within HubSpot and enabling personalised cross-channel campaigns. Marketers can analyse and personalise communication based on their existing CRM data, automatically log messages and track activity against individual customer records.

MessageMedia chief marketing officer, Tara Salmon said: “We are thrilled to be integrated with one of the world’s leading CRM and marketing systems. There are endless opportunities to grow business using the versatility and power of SMS messaging. Whether you are sending marketing campaigns, improving sales processes, or looking to drive up customer engagement, HubSpot users can now easily tap into text messaging services without leaving the platform.”

Traditional marketing has changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this month, email sends were up more than 40% in one week alone compared to pre-COVID, but with SMS 90% of messages are read within 90 seconds, according to HubSpot data.

Businesses need to be receptive to their customers’ preferences and tailor their experience accordingly, is the advice from HubSpot head of marketing for Australia and New Zealand, Kat Warboys.

“Customers want information hyper-personalised, delivered via the channels that they prefer, and answers in real-time. SMS allows businesses to be more immediate with their customer engagement and we’ ae seeing this innovation across the board. Businesses are looking for new ways to adapt and cut through the noise of competitors.”

She added: “We see businesses using more kinds of software, not less, that all need to work together. When this software isn’t in the one centralised platform, it runs the risk of creating data silos and losing important customer information. Bringing a rich landscape of apps into one hub has been something HubSpot has focused heavily on over the last two years. The integration with MessageMedia is a prime example of how a platform can create a stable centre of gravity in the marketing and sales stack.”

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