By Aimee Chanthadavong
As many flood affected home- and business-owners continue the clean-up, a Queensland-based printing company is offering its service to help organisations get back on their feet.
Future Vision Group is offering its printing service, including printing for business cards, company stationery and manuals, at cost price to any organisation affected by the floods.
Maciek Fibrich, Future Vision director, told Retailbiz that while the company was not affected by the floods, it wants to help by offering assistance to those who were.
“For us, its business as usual and many people need help. Business needs to get going across the state. We want to do our bit and whilst we can’t give the printing away for free, we’ll do the next best thing. We’ll absorb the labour cost and print at cost price and as we get our suppliers on board, we’ll hopefully be able to get the prices even lower. We’ll even cover the postage,” he said.
“We want to help. We know it’s going to be a long process; there’s no expiry on this offer of assistance.”
Fibrich, who was one of thousands that volunteered last weekend in the clean-up, described the experience as an emotional rollercoaster.
“Over the weekend, we registered to volunteer for the clean-up and were sent to West End, a suburb that was quite badly hit. The feelings and emotions were mixed, but the goal of everyone was the same – let’s get this place clean,” he said.
“Most people didn’t know each other, let alone the people’s names, yet we all worked side by side in the homes of complete strangers.”
Future Vision can be contacted on 1300 88 53 04 or
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