Big W has launched a website dedicated to selling eBooks at a fraction of the price of most eBooks.

The eBooks website – – enables customers to download a hundreds of titles to their mobile devices.

This comes after the company conducted a survey finding more than two thirds (67 per cent) of eBook readers have downloaded a crime novel or thriller followed by 61 per cent who have downloaded contemporary fiction. While 41 per cent of people have read an adult fiction eBook, such as Fifty Shades of Grey.

The number of women downloading digital books has grown 57 per cent in the past year, beating the growth in downloads from men. Women are also the most avid readers with 43 per cent downloading more than 10 eBooks over the last 12 months, compared to only 33 per cent of men.

Scott White, BIG W head of books, said the site has been designed specifically for Australian customers.

“The eBooks market in Australia is dominated by overseas based companies focused on overseas customers,” he said.

“BIG W eBooks is different – we are an Australian retailer with a focus on the books Australians love, with downloads at Australia’s lowest prices.”

Titles such as Saving Grace by Fiona McCullum is being sold for $6.99 in comparison to the recommended eBook price of $19.99. Similarly, Jilted by Rachel Jones is free on Big W eBooks while the recommended price is $19.99.

“Our research also showed 58 per cent of customers welcome the option of low cost or free downloads, so at BIG W we will have a constantly changing selection of eBooks for as little as 99c, with several hundred titles available free of charge,” White said.