Australian pharmacy, health and beauty store, Priceline Pharmacy has partnered with leading digital workplace, WorkJam.

WorkJam has been tasked with improving communication between the leadership team, franchise owners and team members, reaching over 5,500 employees across Priceline’s 470 stores around the country.

Priceline will onboard WorkJam’s tailored Learning and Assessment, Rewards and Recognition, Task Management and Communication tools and functions.

Priceline Pharmacy general manager of customer operations, Cathi Scarce said the partnership will see a direct improvement to the organisation’s internal communication.

“We wanted a partner that could streamline communications and deliver real impact. WorkJam resented an immediate opportunity to improve our connections with franchise partners and corporate stakeholders,” she said.

WorkJam Asia Pacific managing director, Andrew Myers commented, “The team at WorkJam are incredibly excited to be joining forces with Australia’s leading pharmacy. We look forward to onboarding WorkJam’s functions and improving the experiences of Priceline’s employees across the nation.”