LUSH has recently launched Delivery Pass, a new digital solution which helps make online shopping more attractive, affordable and accessible for online customers. The 12-month membership at $35 per year covers standard shipping costs of all orders made within that time period with no minimum spend.
“It’s safe to say the last couple of years have been challenging. LUSH is a business that emphasises experience – being able to touch, feel and sample the products is half the fun for our customers, so when that was made impossible by Covid we had to get a bit creative,” Lush Australia and New Zealand general manager of digital, Jay Jennings told Retailbiz.
“We did this by prioritising digital features that made it seamless for our retail customers to continue their customer journey online and creating an online experience that aligns to the immersive experience of the store. For mobile users we relaunched our app as the place to be for exclusive content and the continuity of the LUSH fandom that we see so much in-store.”

LUSH has a roadmap of upcoming features supported by consistent quality of life improvements.
“We have a few exciting things in the works for 2023, focused on continuing to recreate the unique LUSH experience that our fans enjoy in-store, online. This includes the launch of our first subscription boxes in Australia and New Zealand in early 2023, starting with our kitchen subscription box – a monthly selection of exclusive products, made fresh in Sydney. Subscribers can vote on which products they’d like to see in each box, which is how we decide what’s being made,” Jennings explained.
In line with Black Friday, LUSH launched a collaboration with fashion brand, Lazy Oaf, featuring a range of co-branded bath and shower products, as well as accessories and apparel.
“This is LUSH’s first foray into the world of fashion and we’re proud to have crossed this milestone with a brand like Lazy Oaf, who share our values of creating products with purpose, reducing environmental impact and fighting back against animal cruelty,” Jennings said.
Aside from the collaboration, LUSH typically avoids sales led promotions during periods such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday for several reasons.
“Firstly, our products are made with fresh, handmade ingredients and are consciously priced to ensure our suppliers are paid fairly, meaning we try to keep this pricing consistent as much as we can. We also believe that short-lived, over-hyped shopping events and promotional discounts can be a dangerous trend for our planet due to the waste that so often results from impulse purchasing, so we choose not to engage.”