Garbage pile in trash dump or landfill. Pollution concept.

Retailers have prevented billions of plastic bags from going into landfill over the past 12 months, according to the retail peak.

Ongoing efforts by retailers to drastically reduce consumption of plastic bags have been a huge success, according to the National Retail Association, with billions of plastic bags prevented from going into landfill.

NRA Manager of Industry Policy David Stout said that this achievement was only possible with the cooperation of government, industry and consumers.

“We’ve seen a dramatic reduction in shopping bag consumption,” Mr Stout said.

“Retailers have taken the initiative to offer a wide range of reusable alternatives and consumers have responded extremely well.”

Consumers have also taken to the reduction well, Mr Stout said.

“People are remembering their own bags and, even when they do forget, they’re choosing to go without a bag or purchasing as few reusable bags as possible.”

Retailers’ efforts have been standout, he said, with many going above and beyond to take a stance on Australia’s waste crisis.

“This was a daunting change for many businesses and we’re extremely proud of how well the entire retail sector has responded.

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